2014 Term 3 Writing

2014 Term 3 Writing

We are learning to:
write a description
use an iPad or Mac laptop to publish our writing
read our writing in a clear voice in front of an audience

We can do this when we can: 
use interesting words, write sentences that make sense, use describing words and edit and read our work.

Teacher Comment: 
You have used some describing words.  Your next step is to add more describing words to your writing.
I like the way your words match your mind map.

2014 Term 3 CARE

We are learning to:
Be a positive member of Room 23 and Oaklands School.
Active Thinking:
Use our initiative when making choices.
Be kind and respectful towards others.
Be excellent students of Room 23 and Oaklands School.

Student Reflection:

I am using my CARE values by taking care of my friend and showing respect to them.

2013 Term 3 Maths

2014 Term 3 Maths – Measurements

Mathematics Strand: Measurement – Length

This term we are learning to:
·      estimate length of different objects and spaces
·      measure length with non-standard and standard units
·      use measuring language to compare length, width, and height

Success Criteria:

We can do this when we can estimate and measure different objects and spaces, using measuring language.

Student reflection:
Mrs  Bergmann: Name something that is a meter long?
Cash: The TV.

2014 Term 3 Drama

2014 Term 3 Drama

This term we have been learning to participate and contribute in drama to create a play about Tangaroas gift. Click on the link below to see our performance.

Assessment Rubric

Mark Book 400
Description: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/jPn6mAJiYnKNOPVAWD0iYoWGz_BNo9SVYwF-YQQD3M4rNudFsVc5Z1eU3yuQPshwGs3w9QdSkmyH86iuW_KiH3L3riCcqF-kK03GmeDnT7-Grkz_kG5W_ort2Mbehz67IQ1
Description: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/Zoxbg8mbWwa6tNGNVkfOH5-da_hmwPdhvJNRNKm1JwFff-jVti6bMnXQhFd8-bXJfXUDV_mvsxh9c-ebo0dqIlOQgUPyDbxOwQI23wA4z7kshFovG9GulaUMm021ZQdPoQ2
Description: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/dbIRHqGkQj8lATgz3NHMhnyvxVJ5UDtmPyD_iB-xyLpz1YLwYOi19an0xf64_23rxNwBQRhXLUdVV3djPshrU24Zayqbvj_ijue0rvewIHrspK0GnRziz73xOM0379Sp3w3
Description: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/8AL62tvXE56nDE9US96i6aM2rUZHzQTNnIt4mpwTlnBsPKzRrfxYWjJbnIgx-EZRxi0zIScjJh6zuRYmDOnooJWp5VrsJYHIY_Xg-Wp-TiCCuHAyTTXBBzbhC5LJNWqfpw4
Description: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/RLVyYMuzu2dbA8DabYg0yBByD9zTJhyVPJDgBSwU2w3Iu7jefiUM31RQZFVoUDTGN-NhfCelQjT-M_dxtcI01KxFzuI7-JWMLXjVQGc9tPNAMk24ybpeHQDuU4fxmc0KFg5

Participating & Contributing
I need help to participate and contribute  
I can participate and   contribute  if I am prompted or directed.
I can participate and contribute .
I cannot explain why it is important to do so.
I can participate and contribute .
I can explain why it is important to do so.
I can participate and contribute .
I can explain why it is important to do so.

I act as a role model for others to help them participate and contribute
I seek feedback on how to improve how I can participate and contribute.

Attachments area